Brian Daniels has so far written over 20 plays. All of them have been inspired by true stories. He has a passion for justice and to shine a light on sometimes very difficult and emotional subjects. These include young male suicide; the challenges of living with dementia and for those that care for them; the problems faced by healthcare professionals such as stress and how they attempt to deal with it, particularly over the covid pandemic; issues around elderly care including care homes and how end of life care is approached.
Brian can be commissioned to write a play either by an organisation or an individual. Various NHS organisations including hospitals and palliative care organisations such as hospices have commissioned a number of plays over the years including ‘Hello My Name Is…’, ‘Let’s Talk Lymphoedema,’ ‘Beneath The White Coat’ and ‘You killed My Husband.’ New plays coming down the tracks will address contemporary issues including the impact of Covid on health and social care organisations.
All subjects are handled by Brian with tenderness and understanding. However difficult the issues raised, the writing is always approached with in-depth research and continuous discussion with those commissioning a play as the script develops. The plays in the Pluto Play Productions portfolio stand as testament to Brian’s excellent writing as he explores the human spirit and its ability to endure any adversity.
If you have a story or a burning issue you would like to shine a light on, and believe that presenting it through drama would help to give it greater impact and provoke deeper discussion, then please get in touch with us.
“This was amazingly powerful. The back story of the family, their connection, the emotion and all the interactions. Way beyond just medicine.”